1. The name of the Society shall be: "The Pipe Roll Society" (hereafter called the Society) and the address shall be The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Surrey TW9 4DU.
2. Objective: The objective of the Society is: to increase public knowledge of medieval history by the publication of the Pipe Rolls and the associated records of medieval English government, and of other manuscripts of national importance prior to the year 1350, to the use of all scholars whether they be members of the Society or not.
The Society may also from time to time arrange lectures dealing with subjects in the areas of its interests at which both members and guests will be welcome.
3. Membership: Membership shall be open to individuals and institutions on payment of an annual subscription, due on 1 June each year, the level of which will be determined by the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The level of subscription paid by individual and institutional members will differ, and the cost to overseas members will normally be set at a higher level than those in the British Isles, to take account of international exchange rates and the higher costs of posting volumes overseas. Members are entitled to one copy of each new volume published by the Society, and they may obtain additional copies of volumes still in print at a discount of 33%, rounded up to the nearest £5.
4. Council: The Council shall determine the aims and activities of the Society, and be responsible for its management and administration. The Council shall consist of at least 10 members, including the officers and the President, who is an ex officio member, and 5 will form a quorum. The Council has the power to co-opt new members if vacancies arise during the year, but these appointments must be confirmed at the subsequent AGM.
Members of the Council are nominated and seconded at the AGM, as well as candidates for the offices of President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. New members of the Council of the Society must be members of the Society who wish to commit themselves to attending Council meetings and to participating in the activities of The Pipe Roll Society, and are prepared to be trustees of the Society. Nominations should be submitted to the Honorary Secretary. A prospective member of the Council must confirm, by completing a trustee form, that they fulfil the necessary criteria for becoming a trustee. The Council may remove such of its members who fail to attend regularly.
The Council shall meet at least once a year. In the event of equality in votes cast, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. The significant decisions and action points of the Council shall be recorded in the minutes by the Secretary, and forwarded to members of Council within a reasonable period.
5. Finance:
a. All financial matters shall be handled by the Council, on the advice of the Honorary Treasurer.
b. The bank used by the Society shall be approved for the purpose by the Council. The cheques shall be signed by any two of the following Officers: The Chairman, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the General Editor and the Under-Treasurer.
c. Membership fees and income from volume purchases shall be paid to the Honorary Treasurer or Under-Treasurer, and the accounts are to be examined annually. The independent examiner of accounts shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
d. The Society's main officers (President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and General Editor or Editors) shall be unpaid, but honoraria can be paid to the Under-Treasurer and a stock controller, when one is in post, so long as they do not exceed £1,000 in total annually. If the Council agrees, the Treasurer may also act as Under-Treasurer and receive the honorarium agreed for performing that task.
6. General Meetings
a. There shall be an Annual General Meeting in June to receive the reports of the officers, to elect the officers and Council, to receive the audited Annual Statement of Accounts, and to do such other business as may be required. The election of the officers should be completed prior to election of further Council members.
b. Items not included in the normal Agenda which a member wishes to raise at the Annual General Meeting must reach the Secretary or Chairman in writing at least one week before the date of the Meeting.
c. The Chairman is empowered to rule on the suitability of any item on the Agenda of the Meeting.
d. Members of the Council for the forthcoming year are elected by nomination and seconding by the members of the society. If nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot shall take place.
f. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of 15 members of the Society, to be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary, stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called, and such a meeting shall be held within 21 days of receipt of the request.
g. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 5.
7. Alteration: Amendments to the Constitution of the Society may be made subject to the approval of a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a General Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least 21 days, and shall be notified to members, at least 7 days before any such meeting.
No alteration or amendment shall be made to the Objects clause or Dissolution clause which would cause the Society to cease to be a charity at law.
8. Dissolution: The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at an Annual General meeting or an Extraordinary General meeting. Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Society after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall not be distributed amongst the members of the Society, but transferred to an appropriate charitable institution nominated by the Council.
June 2018